
Cristina Nicolaita

Scoala Gimnaziala 'Gheorghe Magheru', Caracal, Romania

Cristina Nicolaitateaches Physics and Computer Science to students between 11 and 15 years old. The school she teaches in is based in Caracal, a town in the South of Romania.

Cristina is an active use of ISE resources and participates regularly in ISE activities in Romania.She also submitted an entry to the 2014-2015 Learning with Light competition, which was of such high quality that it was Highly Commended.

pictures by students
Activity 3
Activity 2

Learning with Light competition entry

Cristina's entry to the competition is called "Playing With Light - Light Sources/Light Travelling Through Space".Describing her entry Cristina says:

The entry uses The Evocation - Realisation - Reflection (ERR) frame to try to answer questions addressed to students at the beginning of the lesson: We do not see the rays of light when travelling through transparent media like cosmic vacuum, air, water, etc. "How can we make the rays of light visible ...?"

Cristina used the following resources in her entry: