
University of Bayreuth

The scientific profile of the University of Bayreuth (UBT) is characterized by interdisciplinarity, innovation and internationality. Teaching and research at the intersection of disciplines, as well as traditional and modern degree programmes in the humanities and social sciences, in law and economics, in the natural and engineering sciences lead to generally recognized degrees including the doctoral degree. The UBT enjoys partnerships with over 40 universities and research institutions across the globe, and is particularly active in European mobility programmes.

The Centre of Math and Science Education (Z-MNU) as a central institution of the university combines all STEM related subjects regarding teacher education for secondary schools. Within the center, an outreach lab offers within term break times inquiry-based gene technology modules to 9th and 11th graders of local and regional schools. These one-day courses provide the subject basis for empirical analyses as well as offering all our in-service teacher students a week long training chance to acquire teaching skills.

Since 2006, UBT offers a polyvalent study model for high-achieving in-service science teacher providing a bachelor and consecutively a master degree. While most teacher education programmes are 'one-way-programmes' which require decisions at the very beginning of a study entry, the polyvalent programme allows a final decision with the bachelor degree. Additionally, the internship modules are double the usual requirement in order to allow sufficient guidance time in classrooms.

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