
Workshop in Argolida (Greece): ISE demonstrators for teachers and ISE tools for students

The two new ISE demonstrators (All that matters and LHC game) for Junior High School students (aged 12-15) were presented to local Junior High School teachers in dedicated seminars by S.Chouridou and C.Kourkoumelis, followed by a long discussion sessiosn. The seminars were organized by K.Manousaki, local ISE ambassador.

A second activity for about 40 older students from six different schools from the Argolida prefecture (from schools located as far as 100km away) was organized for FOURTH consecutive time in the 3rd General Lyceum of Argos by Mr.E.Kalitzis. The hands-on implementation description was given by C.Kourkoumelis and S.Vourakis. The students followed all steps of the demonstrator and answered the PISA questions on each step. Before starting the 3rd phase of the demonstrator, the students together with about 150 students of four different Greek schools followed a virtual visit to two main CERN LHC experiments : CMS and LHCb and asked questions live to the CERN researchers involved. The majorty of time was spent in the third phase where they used the embedded HYPATIA tool to search for Z and Higgs boons. The results of the PISA accessment can be found at here.

The activity was organized with the help of the Argos-Mycenae municipality, the Argolida school advisor, the 3rd High school Director and Vice-Director and the Laboratory for Experimenatl Physics education (EKFE)