
Workshop “Big Ideas of Science in Interdisciplinary Approaches” in Jiu Valley, Romania

Sfanta Varvara Secondary School from Aninoasa, Hunedoara and SIVECO Romania, the National Coordinator of ISE Project in Romania organized the Training and demonstration workshop “Inspiring Science Lessons - Big Ideas of Science in interdisciplinary approaches” in the Inspiring Science Education Project at Sfanta Varvara Secondary School, Aninoasa, Jiu Valley, Romania, on 27th of February 2016.

Sfanta Varvara Secondary School from Aninoasa is a small school from one of the biggest mining region of Romania, with very noble-minded teachers and principals. The new ISE team has 47 teachers from the whole Jiu Valley who participated in the workshop.

Mihaela Garabet, Ramona Inta and Didina Botgros moderated the topics: presentation of ISE portal, Big Ideas of and about Science, ISE demonstrators and lessons, presentation of Eratosthenes experiment - 21th of March 2016 and running the demonstrators Eratosthenes Experiment and Following Curiosity on Mars.