
Winning entries of the Eratosthenes Experiment Photo Contest

Two contests took place this year in occasion of the Eratosthenes Experiment on 19-20 March and the solar eclipse we experienced in Europe on 20 March. Now theEA R&D team,On behalf of the ODS & ISE projects, announce the winners with the press release you download from this page and read here below.

Winning entries of the Eratosthenes Experiment Photo Contest

Dear participants in the 2015 Eratosthenes Experiment Photo Contest organized by Ellinogermaniki Agogi's (EA) Research and Development Department as part of the Open Discovery Space (ODS) and Inspiring Science Education (ISE) projects.

We are happy to announce the winners of this exciting world science educational event. Before proceeding with the results, I would like to remind you the background to all related contests and events.

The Eratosthenes Experiment, organized on the 19th and the 20th of March 2015, received an overwhelming response, as 507 schools from 42 countries participated in this celebration of science and education, calculating the circumference of the Earth by using eLearning educational tools and simple instruments. Furthermore, on the 20th of March 2015 (the Equinox Day), a Solar Eclipse also took place, for which additional activities and another photo contest were also organized by EA.

84 schools and institutions took part in the Eratosthenes Photo Contest, submitting pictures capturing the schools' involvement in the experiment.
The selection process proved an extremely difficult task, as a number of submissions received very high ratings. A panel of experts decided on 10 finalists. After several rounds of voting, the panel decided on the best entries.

In all, EA organized 3 contests: The Eratosthenes Experiment Photo Contest, The Solar Eclipse Photo Contest and the Eratosthenes Experiment Online Lesson Contest. The latter two were decided by draw.

Hence, there are three winning teachers to the 2015 Eratosthenes Experiment Photo Contest, the Solar Eclipse Photo Contest and the Eratosthenes Online Lesson Contest who will receive scholarships to attend the Open Discovery Space and Inspiring Science Education Summer Academies, also organized by EA's R & D Department on 12-17 July 2015 in Athens.

The winners are:

Desa Rogulji

Zlatko Norac

Aside from congratulating the winners, we would like to take this opportunity to thank allparticipants who helped turn the Eratosthenes Experiment and the Solar Eclipse intomagnificent world educational events and invite everybody to join us again in 2016.
For similar events, contests and a wealth of educational material and teaching communitiesjoin us on http://www.opendiscoveryspace.eu/ and http://www.inspiringscience.eu/

On behalf of the ODS & ISE projects,
The EA R&D team

Eratosthenes Experiment photo contest - winning photo by BojanaHabek

Solar eclipse photo contest - winning photo by Desa Rogulji