
The third Inspiring Science Festival in Bucharest, Romania

'Grigore Moisil' National College from Bucharest, the capital of Romania, hosted the third Inspiring Science Festival which was held on the 19th of April 2016. This time we had the remarcable enthuziasm of 70 students, from 10 to 18 years old, accompanied by their Science teachers, to present experimental activities like: robots, magic liquids, magnetic fields, microscopic world, cristals, cold flames, plants secrets, spectras, etc. They can be seen on: http://portal.opendiscoveryspace.eu/activities/840774.

Again, it was all about the magic of science! The jury conducted by Dr. Cristina Miron, from the University of Bucharest, had the hard job to select the best of the teams for taking the prizes and for representing the school at the National Inspiring Science Festival.

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