
New Inspiring Science Festival in Eforie-Sud, Romania

The fifth Inspiring Science Regional Festival was held on 21 May at 'Carmen Sylva' Theoretical High School from Eforie-Sud. This small town is situated in Constanta county on the Romanian Black Sea coast. This ISE Team consisted of 38 students and their teachers presented very interesting experimental activities, many of them awarded in famous international competitions.

The activities could be seen on: http://portal.opendiscoveryspace.eu/activities/840774

The jury conducted by Dr. Eng. Ovidiu Brailoiu, the mayor of the town Eforie and Anca-Mihaela Cojocaru-Apostolachi, the principal of the 'Carmen Sylva' Theoretical High School selected the best of them for taking the prizes.

On the other side, 23 teachers and principals from Constanta county participated in the 'Inspiring Science Experimental Approaches' Workshop where Mihaela Garabet and Florin Serbu moderated the topics: presentation of ISE portal, Big Ideas of and about Science, ISE demonstrators and lessons, trandisciplinary approaches of science, etc.

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