ISE presentations and virtual visits to CERN by Greek schools based in the Ipiros prefecture
The half day-long ISE Ipiros implementation had two parts: masterclasses using the HYPATIA demonstrator and virtual visit to the CMS experiment at CERN.
The first part was performed in three different schools at three different locations by the ISE scientists who visited these schools: Prof.C.Kourkoumelis in Ioannina, S.Vourakis in Parga and Dr.S.Chouridou in Parathymia. The students of all three schools followed all steps of the HYPATIA demonstrator, analysed the ATLAS events and answered the PISA-like assessment questions on each phase. The majority of time was spent in the third phase where they used the embedded HYPATIA tool to search for Z and Higgs boons. The students worked in groups of one or two depending on the available PC's of schools' corresponding computer labs. The results of the PISA accessment can be found at the following links: ;;
Later in the day three more schools from remote locations (Arta, Fillipida,Louros) joined by videoconference. Mrs. Souli, the School Advisor and ISE Ambassador for the region gave an introduction to the project followed by means of a simulataneous connection by all six schools to CERN. There, Dr.C.Lazarides postdoctorate researcher at the CMS experiment acted as guide and gave the students a virtual tour of the experiment, where its different components were explained. The virtual visit ended by discussing questions which students from each of the schools posed to the CERN researchers. The activity was very much appreciated because most schools are located at remote and relatively isolated locations with very few opportunities to communicate with the outside world and top research.