
IPPOG International Physics Masterclass in the University of Crete, Heraklio

100 high school students from 22 schools from all over the island came to the University of Crete, together with their teachers, for one day in order to learn about particle physics, CERN and become researchers for a day. In the morning, lectures were given by professors from the University of Crete and the University of Athens. In the afternoon while the students attended a hands-on experience, a special session with the teachers took place. The teachers were introduced to the ISE project by C.Kourkoumelis, who showed to the teachers the Z and Higgs demonstator in the iSE portal . The different phases and the PISA questions were discussed at length. The Greek ISE leaflets were also discributed to the 20 teachers who atended. Following the demonstration the teachers were going to actually answer the PISA questions as a test. Unforunately bad timing on the re-indexing of the portal -the teacher session lasted more than planned due to the lively discussion of their problems- did not allow the teachers to register their answers. Furthermore, at the end of the day the students compared their results with those of other institutions from Poland and Portugal in a videoconference.

Masterclass Website