
Inspiring Science Education Academy 2016 - join the webinar

TheInspiring Science Education Academy 2016 (ISE)will take place in Marathon, Greece on10-15 July 2016.

Specifically designed forteaching professionals in STEM disciplines, it consists of several courses. The main objectives of all ISE courses are to introduce teachers to implementingInquire Based Science Education (IBSE). Teachers and education professionals will be trained intransferring the concept of scientific methodology into the classroomand linking it with the numerous collections ofopen digital educational resources to design innovative educational scenarios.

Everyone interested in this event can also take part inadedicated webinaroffered by the course organisers fromEllinogermaniki AgogionTuesday, 22 December, 14:00-16:00h CET.

The webinar will be accessible through this link:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DPoGvFika70.

Read more about the Academy on itsevent page, visit thewebsiteand join the community in theInspiring Science Portal.