The final year of implementation of ISE project in Croatia
During the last year of the ISE project, Croatian Academic and Research Network ' CARNet organised many different activities with the main goal of enabling teachers to use ISE technology and stimulate popularisation of science. Those activities were strong educational and expert support to teachers in implementing technology that resulted in great interest (about 4800 people). That interest is also corroborated by the fact that at the end of the ISE project there were 457 schools that took part in the pilot and the project goal was 313 schools. Although the project is completed, CARNet continues to receive letters of interest.
CARNet team is satisfied with the fact that this project in Croatia was recognised as relevant by the schools and, most of all, we are proud to have such a large number of teachers in Croatia that recognise an important role of ICT in STEM!
We highlight some of the most important activities:
' Inspiring days in Croatia 2015 that were held in August and September 2015 and included eight workshops and one webinar. Inspiring days were attended by 191 people.
' The largest virtual visit to CERN in the history of virtual visits was attended by more than 200 participants at the CUC 2015 conference, and by approximately 500 people via live streaming
' The first ISE Massive Open Online Course in Croatia - 'Teachers inspired with ISE technology and contemporary teaching methods' was enrolled by 1008 participants in just 5 days. Basic digital badge was acquired by 639 participants and advanced by 275 participants.
' Competition 'I am ISE Guru' with the main goal to stimulate teachers to make their own ISE learning scenarios.
' Two live streamings of popular scientific lectures at the event "10 days of astronomy" that were watched by 1300 people.
' The second ISE MOOC ' 'Educational trends and digital tools in the classroom' that was enrolled by 500 participants. Basic digital badge was acquired by 243 participants and advanced by 73 participants.
' Competition 'ISE Oscar for scenario, directing and video' was organised to motivate teachers to use multimedia (video) that demonstrate their implementation of an ISE learning scenario.
Although the ISE project has ended, CARNet will continue to stimulate ICT usage in schools as a means of using the most of what we have today for a better tomorrow.