
Educare alla Cittadinanza Europea - ISE Visionary Workshops

The Intercultural and Mobility Association (AIM http://www.associazioneaim.it/ ) organized at the headquarters of Spazio Europa in Rome, the representative office of the European Commission in Italy , a series of training sessions for Italian teachers of all levels. The last two events took place on April 8th and May 8th, with the direct involvement of the Italian national agency Isfol. On both occasions about 100 teachers from schools throughout Italy attended the events.

The agenda began with a panel of speakers who explained the procedures for accessing to European programs of training, education and mobility, giving focus to the concrete actions available for the schools.

In the afternoon different dynamic and interactive workshops were organized and conducted by experts who directly interact with the attending teachers . Valentina Berni and Susanna Correnti from the Open University Guglielmo Marconi coordinated the workshop dedicated to the Inspiring science education project. During the workshops several tools were presented and teachers were able to ask questions and get information on the action plan to be completed for joining the initiative and on the activities to be performed during the piloting phases.

You can find more information in Italian on this link:


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