Croatian ISE synergy with the stakeholders
During June and July 2014 Croatian Academic and Research Network ' CARNet participated in educational activities organized by several Croatian educational institutions.
CARNet was invited to participate in the 29th Summer school of young physicists organised by the Secondary school Ambruza Haraia and the Croatian Physical Society on the Croatian island Mali Loinj in the middle of June. This summer school gathered the best pupils of Croatia that had the highest scores in various physics competitions as well as teachers, experts and university lecturers. CARNet expert Aleksandra Mudrini Ribi held a workshop for teachers about principles and Big Ideas in Science. She also presented the ISE learning scenario and ISE project in general.
Cooperation of CARNet with the Croatian Education and Teacher Training Agency has also developed within the ISE project. Cooperation between these two institutions is significant for achieving ISE project objectives due to the fact that the mentioned agency, as a state founded institution, is responsible for the monitoring and development of education from pre-school to high school level.
CARNet held a workshop during the in-service training of primary and secondary school teachers of technical education and physics organized by the Croatian Education and Teacher Training Agency. The training took place on the 30th June 2014 in the second largest city in Croatia ' Split. Since the topic of the training was focused on applying contemporary learning technologies, Croatian Education and Teacher Training Agency invited CARNet to present educational trends and ISE project as well as the ISE learning scenario. This topic was presented by CARNet expert Mrs. Aleksandra Mudrini Ribi and 31 teachers participated in the training.
On the 4th July 2014 an in-service training of primary and secondary-school teachers of mostly physics was organized by the Croatian Education and Teacher Training Agency. CARNet was invited again by the organizers to present educational trends and ISE project as well as the ISE learning scenario since the topic of this training was applying contemporary learning technologies. CARNet experts Mrs. Ivana Mieti and Mrs. Maja Quien presented this topic to more than 30 teachers that participated in this workshop held in the city Rijeka.